+44 (0)208 954 9881 [email protected]


  • Help in building up Islamic norms and values.
  • Encouraging and emphasising the importance of character development by giving importance to basic ethical values for the well-being of their personality and society.
  • Comprehending the Quran.

Aims and Objectives

  • Have the best practices in the learning approach.
  • Fun for children when it comes to learning lessons.
  • Engaging youth by giving them platforms for instance conducting workshops for younger age groups, and assigning them projects and tasks.
  • Have a library.


Our madrassa was being initiated in 2011 in a systematic and at a designated location. Prior to that madressa sessions were done at homes.


Work In progress for now. InshaAllah will have enough space in future to have a proper classroom set up.

Future Plans

  • Having a library.
  • A dedicated ground to conduct programs, sports.
  • Be the best learning platform and an engaging place for all including teachers.


  • Lack of space.
  • Require training programs for our teachers.