+44 (0)208 954 9881 [email protected]


To educate children in Qur’an, Tarikh and Akhlaq, and to teach them their mother language enabling them to research more into their Islamic histories and cultural background.

Aims and Objectives

Bring unity within the community and for members of the community working closely together in bringing up their children in a healthy and respectful Islamic environment.


HCMK Madressa has been established and running for the last 8 years. It runs on the basis of community volunteers and is funded by the parents of students. We have worked very closely with Zainabiya and we share some of the volunteer groups. Our teachers are well trained and undertake training such as safeguarding, effective teaching and other training to improve the quality of their teaching.


A team of 16 teachers volunteers and 10 assistants.

Future Plans

With our new Hussainia centre being refurbished and now fully utilized, we are working hard to bring everything thing else up to standard. Completing this registration will hopefully give us the benefit to get some up to date Tarbya training following which we would be able to use some of the recommended manual, which we all have been hoping to get.


Lack of material, such as manuals and storybooks for children.