+44 (0)208 954 9881 [email protected]


To provide the next generation with a strong foundation in the principals of Islam including Quran, Aqeeda and Fiqh

Aims and Objectives

  • For students to have a strong understanding go their religion
  • To provide a place for Muslims to come together and foster friendships


  • Over 25 years ago Muslims in the area banded together to teach children
  • In the last 10 years our madressa grew to become a multi-cultured school with children from the Afghani, Iraqi, Lebanese, Pakistani and Indian, and Khoja background attending every Sunday.


Our structure has a strong foundation in Islamic principles

Future Plans

To continue to provide a sound foundation, basic skills and valuable tools of the religion to our students that will enable them to be practising, proud and pious Muslims


  • Space
  • Teachers
  • Varying levels
  • Less expertise in Qur’an fundamentals