+44 (0)208 954 9881 [email protected]


“Muhammadi Madrasah strives to provide a healthy and rewarding learning environment for Muslim students.”

Our mission is to provide a happy, safe and structured environment for staff, students and parents to benefit from in their personal, spiritual and social development. We aim to achieve this by prioritising Islamic principles and using formal, recognised systems, curricula and training programmes. Using these tools we can support our staff and parents to create a healthy and rewarding learning environment from which our students will graduate into the wider community and beyond as confident and informed Shia Muslims.

Aims and Objectives

The Madrasah and the community which it caters for are ever evolving. Operational objectives to achieve high levels of professionalism and efficiency are always on-going especially within a voluntary based institution like ours. Strategic objectives are centred around sourcing and adopting compliant and wholesome curricula and linking the classroom with The Mimbar. Muhammadi Madrasah has committed to focusing on Quranic development within Madrasah and extending this expertise to parents to build strong Quranic ability within their families and homes.


Muhammadi Madrasah opened for students in the early 1980’s and has it’s long-term base within the compound of Mehfil-e-Abbas in a custom built building Syeda Zainab (as) Building. Over the years, generations have passed through the Madrasah, and now we find those students are teachers within the Madrasah today. Muhammadi Madrasah has grown rapidly in the last ten years and now caters for over 280 students in 2019.


Future Plans

Providing structured Islamic and Quranic teaching for both students and parents, enhancing skills base of community members who volunteer at madrasah and link secular opportunities for students and staff


Volunteerism issues like commitment to basic expectations and also ‘beyond Sunday’.
Community perception of and importance given to the establishment. Lack of professionalism due to skilled community experts hesitating to be involved in Madrasah