+44 (0)208 954 9881 mce@world-federation.org

Learning Walks Programme

Learning walks aims to capture the teaching of the Tarbiyah Curriculum

What is the purpose of the study?

As part of the MCE assessment and evaluation it was decided at the January 2020 conference that learning walks would help capture how Madaris are delivering the Tarbiyah Curriculum.

‘Learning walks’ take place professionally in order to collect evidence about teaching and learning; gain evidence of progress and areas for Madrasah development. They are intended to be developmental and constructive rather than judgemental and are a whole-madrasah improvement activity.’ (adapted from: www.teachers.org.uk/observation)

MCE is aware that Madaris over the world have had to adapt to online teaching to deliver the Tarbiyah Curriculum since the pandemic began. Therefore, carrying out remote Learning walks will also give an opportunity to capture the success and barriers of online teaching using the Tarbiyah Curriculum.