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Additional Resources

Imam Ali (‘as) – His life

Various stages in the life of Imam Ali (‘as) captured in these powerpoints and documents. Imam Ali (as) – fact sheet.pdf Imam Ali (as) Part 1.pdf Imam Ali (as) Part 2.pdf Imam Ali (as) Part 3.pdf Imam Ali (as) Part 4 Martyrdom.pdf Imam Ali (as)...

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Imam Ali (‘as) & Nahj al-Balagha

Imam Ali (AS)’s wise words of wisdom are captured in Nahj al-Balagha “Way of Eloquence” – a collection of sermons, letters, and narrations. Collected by Sharif Razi, Shi’i scholar in the tenth century and considered a masterpiece of literature. Imam Ali (as) –...

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Imam Ali (‘as) Stories

Various stories about Imam Ali (AS) highlighting his character, his judgements, his mathematical genius… lessons for us to use in our daily lives. Mathematical brilliance.pdf Mathematical genius.pdf Better shirt for Qambar.pdf A Fathers love and Tawheed.pdf Fear of Allah.pdf Caring for...

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Taharat and Najasat

Powerpoint presentations on Taharat/Najasat with definitions and examples, cleanliness and forming a habit of cleanliness together with some activity sheets. Taharat-and-Najasat powerpoint.pdf Taharat and Najasat – activity sheet.pdf Cleanliness – a habit powerpoint.pdf Cleanliness...

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Du’a for Parents

Respect for parents is emphasised repeatedly in the Holy Qur’an. Many du’as have also been given to us in the Qur’an and by our Masumeen (‘as) The beauty of dua and how we can make a habit of remembering our parents daily A presentation on duas Respect of parents and...

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