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Additional Resources

M1-D2 Resources

Relationship with Allah Activity – Connecting with Allah Connecting with Allah Daily Reminder Steps to connect with Allah Reflection and Marking...

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Tawbah – Repentance

Various resources on Tawbah for students, teachers and parents Repentance-tawbah-Merits of the Soul.pdf Major Minor Sins and tawbah.pdf 55_pillar_Tawba.pdf 9 – Surah at-Tawba (The...

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Luqman’s advice to his son

Surah Luqman captures Luqman’s advice to his son and it contains the wisdom of many important lessons in moral values and Akhlaq. These resources includes some articles and activities to adopt these values in our lives. Surah Luqman – Advice.pdf Student learning passport- surah luqman...

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Embarrassing others

Do not Embarrass another Suggested classroom activities based on a story about our Holy Prophet (SAW) – simplicity of food, keeping others faults hidden, patience…

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